Welcome to our physics homepage at Indiana Wesleyan University!  

“Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God.”

  • Maria Mitchell, Astronomer (quoted as inscription on her statue in the Hall of Fame)

“… for the book of nature, which we have to read, is written by the finger of God.”

  • Michael Faraday, Natural Scientist, Researches in Chemistry and Physics

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalm 19:1

Prof. Scott McCullough and a student at IWU Physics

Physics is a quest to explain the visible world from invisible realities and to harness those realities for human flourishing. From astrophysics to biophysics, we pursue this quest from a posture of faith and seek to integrate faith and learning. As a physics major at IWU, you will develop theoretical, experimental and computational skills in dynamic courses and hone those skills in research. Our faculty mentor students in projects ranging from the synthesis of elements in stellar interiors to x-ray fluorescence measurements for environmental studies to computer simulation of biomolecules. Join us in this quest.

                      The physics department is located in Ott Hall of Science and Nursing

Research Labs

Modular Neutron Array
StevenSmith - Research Lab - Summer 2017
Steven Smith

Other Department Emphases

Steven Smith Sampling Water